Latitude and longitude: 44°38'N 63°35'W
population: 372679 residents (2006 census).
Population density: 1506.2 per km2
Landforms: Halifax peninsula, a peninsula in Nova Scotia.
Halifax Harbor a large natural harbour in Nova Scotia.
Climate: short warm summers, cold winters
Ecozone : Atlantic maritime
closest national park: Bay wetlands National park
industries: fishing
info from:
Today i arrived in halifax, the weather is amazing! it is a nice cold winter day not to hot and not to cold. today i will be among the 372679 people that live in halifax, nova scotia. Today i will be visiting peir 21. This was the place that imigrants where imigrants used to come when they woukd come to canada. this place is very importenet to canada and has a lot of history. if you go there now you can see all the history of this great historic site. i had a great day there and hope to learn more about the city tomorrow.
Halifax: day 2
Today i am going to the halifax public gardens. it was established in 1867 and it a great place to look at, theres a lot of city history here. for lunch we went to fisherman's cove which is 20 minutes away from halifax. this place has been fishing for a long time. it relates to halifax because fishing is their main industry. to finish off the day we went to halifax harbor the worlds second largest harbor!
population: 372679 residents (2006 census).
Population density: 1506.2 per km2
Landforms: Halifax peninsula, a peninsula in Nova Scotia.
Halifax Harbor a large natural harbour in Nova Scotia.
Climate: short warm summers, cold winters
Ecozone : Atlantic maritime
closest national park: Bay wetlands National park
industries: fishing
info from:
Today i arrived in halifax, the weather is amazing! it is a nice cold winter day not to hot and not to cold. today i will be among the 372679 people that live in halifax, nova scotia. Today i will be visiting peir 21. This was the place that imigrants where imigrants used to come when they woukd come to canada. this place is very importenet to canada and has a lot of history. if you go there now you can see all the history of this great historic site. i had a great day there and hope to learn more about the city tomorrow.
Halifax: day 2
Today i am going to the halifax public gardens. it was established in 1867 and it a great place to look at, theres a lot of city history here. for lunch we went to fisherman's cove which is 20 minutes away from halifax. this place has been fishing for a long time. it relates to halifax because fishing is their main industry. to finish off the day we went to halifax harbor the worlds second largest harbor!
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