Monday, June 14, 2010


Latitude: 47°14'N
Longitude: 84°39'W
Population: 3 426 000
Population Density: 851.39 KM2
Landforms: Plains and rolling hills; Great Lakes are an important feature
Climate: Coldest temp: -7°C. Warmest temp: 20°C. Cool short winters, relatively long mild summers.
Ecozone: Mixedwood Plains
Closest National Park: Forillion National Park of Canada, La Mauricie Park of Canada, Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve of Canada
Industries: Steel, Refined Petroleum, Tobacco, Clothing
Tourism: 1976 Olympic Stadium, Notre-Dame Basilica, The Montreal Casino

day 1: today we will be arriveing in montreal. this is a french city and is very cultureal. today i will be visiting the 1976 olympic stadium. this is a historic site where canada won 11 medals! its very cool because you can see where canada did so well in the olimpics and see how they run and did all their events.

day 2: today we are going to the montreal botanical gardens, otherwise know as Jardin botanique. it has greenhouses, outdoor gardens and insectariums. this is a very peaceful and beautiful place. you can walk around for hours and soak in the nature, its a great place.


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